Hi expert! How to fix this problem? When we enter item quanity and pricing in the item line of the sales order form, when we preview before we post the sales order, we cannot see the item quantity and pricing unless we delete the line and start it again. How to fix this problem? Thanks!
I was thinking you were not clicking off the line before the preview but thinking again this just sounds strange.
Can you post the exact steps you are taking to achive this?
if you delete the line & start again & hit preview aren't you still in the same boat?
Have you tried deleteing the zup? does it occur even after that?
I think It's happen only for 1st line .It's happen after insert 1st line
u just going for preview . The form property as delay insert so at that time the line was not insert .Befor preview u just click next line or other place .I think u never seen this kind prob.