Hi all.
First, I'm using cfront.dll for Navision 3.6 and C#.
I'm trying to stop Navision from showing message boxes every time an error occurs.
I know that in cfront.dll for Navision 4.0 you have the method DBL_HideMessageShowHandler but not in 3.6 that it's what I'm using right now.
So I've discovered that assigning a callback function using DBL_SetMessageShowHandler, you achieve this (I saw that in the sample that comes with the SDK in C) but unfortunately I can't get this working with C#.
The declaration for DBL_SetMessageShowHandler is:
typedef void* (DBL_CDECL *tDBL_SetMessageShowHandler)(DBL_pFuncMessageShowHandler ShowFunc);
DBL_pFuncMessageShowHandler has the following prototype:
typedef void (DBL_CDECL *DBL_pFuncMessageShowHandler)(DBL_U8* Message, DBL_U32 MessageType, DBL_S32 ErrorCode);
I import the function in C# like this:
[DllImport("cfront.dll", EntryPoint = "DBL_SetMessageShowHandler")]
internal static extern IntPtr SetMessageShowHandler(NavisionMessageHandler.ShowMessageHandlerDelegate showFuncPtr);
And the delegate is declared as:
internal delegate void ShowMessageHandlerDelegate(byte[] message, uint messageType, int errorCode);
Then I call the native function like this:
showMessageHandlerDelegate is an instance of ShowMessageHandlerDelegate:
showMessageHandlerDelegate = new ShowMessageHandlerDelegate(CustomShowMessageHandler);
CustomShowMessageHandler is declared as follows:
private void CustomShowMessageHandler(byte[] message, uint messageType, int errorCode)
So SetMessageShowHandler is always returning a NULL pointer (I guess should return the address of the callback funcion).
The truth is I have no idea what's going on. I'm using SetExceptionHandler that is almost the same than SetMessageShowHandler (except that it has 2 parameters instead of 3) and it's working right.
I'm thinking the problem could be the "byte[]" type but I've tried with "string" too with no luck.
Someone has encountered this same problem?
Thank you.
Now it's working (CustomShowMessageHandler is called) but I'm receiving some exceptions. I'll try to fix that!.
Thank you.