My boss told me that he heard of an ad-on Databse for Navision which contains some extra modules Navision liked and that I shall look where to get or find it. But i cant find anything about it.
Does it exist ? Is it free ? And where can i get it ?
thanks for the information
Manuel A.
i dont think that, something like that exists, but if you´ll find it, give me a sign.
I found the Ad-On Database! You can download it at partnerguide.com!
Look at Products->MSBSN 3.70->"Zusatzmodule" -> "Allgemein" -> "Zusatzmodule für Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision 3.70"
Sorry its german, its NOT in Downloads its in "Zusatzmodule" which i translate "ad-on modules" or something similar.
But at the moment i have no clue how to install the File. Its a *.fdb
Any suggestions ?