Hi all
We have a problem in restoring a FOB into a live SQL db, getting the following message.....
You cannot delete or change the type of the Read Permisison field (in the Permission table) before the value is reduced to 0 (zero) or '' (blank) in all records.
The message doesn't make sense because the tables in the FOB are all basic tables and the Permission table isn't one of them. :?
The client recently installed SP3 (going from SP2) so this may be related.
I have asked them to stop/start the SQL services and try loading FOB with no users in the system to start with....
But I suspect they will still receive this message.....so any ideas how to solve would be greatly appreciated
Or maybe you have table that has incorect caption (means permissions) and now you try to overwrite it?
Did you just translate the error from Spanish or were you in English language. My experience is that you best put the language to English to have a better error-message.
Something else to try: did you change the Security Model to Standard. That fixes a lot of problems!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
(Which is what kriki said essentially :-# )
The Permission table isn't included in the FOB so the system shouldn't be complaining :?
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!