i will change the Primary key in Table337(Reservation Entry). by default the Primary key is Entry No. and positive fields. now I want to add Source ID also a Primary key. Iam getting the error when i am posting Purchase order with Item Tracking (Lot number). where can i modify the code.
In Codeunit 9900830 - Trasnfer Reserventry - they assigned
NewReservEntry."Source ID" := NewID;
here newID is empty was assigned to NewReservEntry.now i comment this line. Posting was happnd but when i go to the item card -> Entries -> Item tracking lines. it was showing empty. it is not created.
how can i do that.
Kindly share ur ideas...
Thanks & Regards,
What are you trying to accomplish ?
Thanks for ur reply.
Because we had one store and one HO. In HO we will made purchase orders and in store also they made local purchases. now the data comes from store to HO. It will overwrite the data in HO DB.
Now i want to add Source ID as primary key then the problem will solve.
how can i do that...
Thanks & regards,
You should solve the error you get when you post by using the right data. Not change NAV-code or basic tables to import your wrong data.
You are importing Purchase orders that have been exported from the store-db?
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
Where do the items ship to? The home office or the store? Who is billed for it?
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Thanks for ur replies. Store People Create the Purchase Orders and they will sent to HO for Approval. if HO is approved then the store receive the Purachase order. In HO they will Post as Receive & Invoice.
data will not overwrite in Table 337 when i replicate the data from Store to HO.
How can i do that????
Thanks & Regards,
The invoicing tab would be office
The shipping tab would be the store
If you are on 5.0 you can setup Document Approvals. If not, just have the store release the POs. Then the office can come in, filter on what is released, and if they approve it they can post it at that time. The business process is really up to you / them.
You could even add a field for "Approval Status" if you absolutely had to, but I don't think it is necessary. There is certainly no need to change the primary key for T337.