Jobs - how to use a resource group and not a resource

imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
I'm tearing my hair out with this and its something which has got to be simple. All I want to do is enter planning lines using resource groups and can't find a way of selecting a group.

When you cost a project you plan for 2 weeks of a programmers time, if you have 10 programmers you don't generally plan that Bob will be the resource.

There has got to be some way of selecting a group instead of the individual programmer.

Anyone done this?


  • JoeriJoeri Member Posts: 75
    I'm afraid that is something that can't be done in the standard solution. I don't know why they haven't put that in, but it just isn't. I remember people complaining about this as early as NAV 5 was launched.
  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    Thanks for the information - at least I know not to waste more time searching.

  • NikkNikk Member Posts: 49
    Have you tried a workaround -like creating a resource named programmer .. that way it doesnt affect Bobs availability...

    I have a simillar case where i had to create the group as a resource because costs were allocated per team in my case.. :-k
  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    I've been playing around with this as its for a client project but we have to implement the same thing for ourselves shortly - which is why I'm thinking in terms of programmer time, installer time, consultant time.

    If you create a resource called programmer which represents three programmers, then you have to create a resource which has, say, 3x8 hours of time per day.
    However you lose what you've entered as national holidays and vacation planning which comes in the human resources module.

    Also when you go to enter the timesheets you should enter them against the individual person, otherwise you don't know who is working overtime, who is not entering their timesheets etc etc.

    What I was trying to work out how to do was to enter all the availablity information (work hours, holidays, national holidays etc) into human resources and take advantage of this in the project planning.

    When you try to plan projects you will know that project X cannot start until the end of july because two of the programmers will be on holiday for two weeks.
  • NikkNikk Member Posts: 49
    Interesting , Im also working on a timesheet for programmers using the same areas. The way its meant to work is that you plan for and
    record usage against resources -so a customization is definitely required to extend it to groups.. Theres a link between HR and resources
    but you,d probably choose to strengthen it to link the absence areas.
  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    It seems to me a rather glaring omission. Why bother implementing groups if you cannot plan work to a group of resources.
    Have to wait for sp1 and see if this was a work in progress which is completed.
  • NikkNikk Member Posts: 49
    imurphy wrote:
    It seems to me a rather glaring omission. Why bother implementing groups if you cannot plan work to a group of resources.
    Have to wait for sp1 and see if this was a work in progress which is completed.

    Did you ever use the old version ? It worked the same way- u plan resources attached to a group and then you have an opportunity to report on the teams , performance ,availability and profitability e.t.c

    The changes in 50SP1 are mostly bug-fixes .. with no mention of Resource Groups - I dont think its an commission but rather a place where customizations be used
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