Requisition Worksheet - Creation Of Purchase Orders

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I'm fine tuning my planning parameters for planning purchases of stock, and I have successfully created purchase orders with varying quantities due for delivery on varying future dates. However these are always placed on one purchase order, with a new line for each varying delivery date. My question is this - is it possible to configure the planning engine so that a whole new purchase order is created for each delivery requirement?

Any help appreciated,



  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    I don't know if this is exactly what you need, but there is an option in Purchasing Setup on the General Tab. Combine Special Orders Default.

    If I remember correctly, if you say Never Combine, it really, REALLY never combines. Like 1 line per Purchase Order, no matter if they are for the same vendor, same location, same date, whatever.

    If you need to customize code, Codeunit 333 is probably the best place to start.
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