How to upgrade Service Management from 3.70 to NAV 5.0 SP1

ketrapeketrape Member Posts: 4
I am doing an upgrade for a customer running Navision 3.70b to Dynamics NAV 5.0 (SP1).

During the upgrade i receive an error concerning table 5930 Posted Service Header saying: "There must not be any posted service orders in the system.". But in the system that I am upgrading I have records in both table 5930 and 5931.

This rises the following questions:
    * Why must this table be empty? * Why isn't the information within the table handled by the upgrade toolkit? * Do I have to manually delete the content of these tables (5930 and 5931)? * Is this, what is meant by the Attention paragraph on page 40 in the upgrade toolkit manual? * In the existing solution we have been adding several fields to the 5930 table. Where do we have to put these fields in the new solution? Should this be table 5990, 5992 and 5994 instead?

Kind regards,


  • jonsan21jonsan21 Member Posts: 118
    I would raise a service request to the technical support if I were you :p

  • JoeriJoeri Member Posts: 75
    Is there an upgrade toolkit available already for SP 1 ? Or are you doing a complete manual upgrade ? If so, maybe you could consider upgrading it to NAV 5.0 first (With the upgrade toolkit) and then do a manual upgrade to SP1.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    In US version you can use 5.0 upgrade toolkit for sp1
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • ketrapeketrape Member Posts: 4
    I have been in the exact same situation and have talked to Microsoft support about this issue.

    I have got the following answer:

    Again, the documentation for the upgrade toolkit says that “posted service order documents must be deleted because this document type will no longer exist”, but I don’t see any reason why you can’t keep these documents.

    You can either leave the posted service orders in the 4.0 tables or you can move the data from the posted service order tables (5930, 5931, 5932) to new custom tables. I would recommend moving the data to custom tables so you do not run into the problem that tables 5930, 5931, and 5932 are used aga in for something else in a later version. You can simply make a copy of the service order tables and move the data from the old tables to the new custom tables.

    If you decide to keep the old posted service orders in the original tables you have to comment the following code out in the upgrade toolkit codeunit 104045, CheckServiceDocuments function:

    IF PostedServiceHeader.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN UpgradeErrorLog.SetError( Text003, DATABASE::"Posted Service Header", PostedServiceHeader.GETPOSITION); PostedServiceHeaderExists := TRUE; END;

    IF PostedServiceHeaderExists = FALSE THEN BEGIN IF PostedServiceItemLine.FIND('-') THEN UpgradeErrorLog.SetError( Text003, DATABASE::"Posted Service Item Line", PostedServiceItemLine.GETPOSITION);

    IF PostedServiceInvoiceLine.FIND('-') THEN UpgradeErrorLog.SetError( Text003, DATABASE::"Posted Service Invoice Line", PostedServiceInvoiceLine.GETPOSITION);

    To prevent the data in the tables from being deleted when you run the “delete unused tables” function from form 104002 – Upgrade - New Version in the last part of the upgrade you have to comment the following lines of code out in codeunit 104003 – Delete Old Tables:


    If you keep the posted service orders in the original tables you have to import the posted service order forms (5945 – 5950) from the 4.0 database to be able to view the data. If you move the posted service order data to new custom tables you can make a copy of the 4.0 forms into custom objects as well and use these forms to view the old posted service orders.
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