I have a purchase order with 2 lines. In the first line Quantity is 2 and Quantity To Receive is 2. In the second line Quantity is 3 and Quantity to receive is 0. Now i want when the Purchase order is posted as 'Receive and Invoice', only the line having 'Quantity to Receive' field non zero will go to the posted documents and not the other line. How to do that. Plz suggest.
Then create an new invoice for the vendor and use the function "Get receipt lines" (button Functions).
Then you will only have the lines you received in your invoice. Next post the invoice.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
you have to make changes in codeunit where these posted prch. receipt line and posted prch. inv. line are created.
Rajesh Patel
All lines will be in receipt, but that isn't a problem I think.
When you use "get receipt lines", only the lines with quantity <> 0 are being transfered to the invoice.
I think code-changes in codeunits isn't necessary.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
That won't work.
In the second line Quantity is 3 and Quantity to receive is 0.
If you put Qty. to receive to 0, qty. to invoice becomes 0 too.
But still that line will be on the posted invoice with quantity empty.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
in OnRun function of codeunit 90, replace above code as this
1. number of transactions is reduced & database size won't grow so fast.
2. environmentally friendly due to less paper usage.
3. easier on the eyes due to less lines.
4. data mining/selection/auditing becomes easier.
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