where can I download manuals' navision 4.0 sp1 Help me pleas

novato76novato76 Member Posts: 11
Hello every body:

A friend recommend to me this web site by to learn many things about to navision in all versions, well I have navigated in this page and it really is wonderful. I am a new user of the navision 4.0 sp1, I am working for a company which it uses this program for its accounting system, but we don't have the sufficient knowledge to operate it completely, now we want start to use the modules "manufacturing" and "warehouse", but in my country there aren't places (schools) or people for to learn navision of way specialized. I can see in this site there are many expert people in this item and it is for that reason what I want ask to you your help for to download manuals or if any body you have it, please can you send me it by e-mail? I will thank very much. I have searched in this page but I don't find some link for download it, in case it is possible any body can tell me how to do it? or where download it? I need manuals by to program, to personalize and to create objet how Dataports, reports, forms... also manuals about the modules "manufacturing" and "warehouse" if they are written in spanish language it would be better, but this doesn't important. I acept all information abuout navision 4.0 sp1.
Thanks very much for your attention. I hope you understand me

P.D. Excuse me by my grammar and my writing, but I don't speak English very much, however, I understand texts written in this language although I can't write it very well. but also I am studying this language and I hope to perfect it.


  • azerty74azerty74 Member Posts: 82
    On the installation CD of Dynamics-NAV you will find the w1w1ADG.pdf, Application Designer Guide. It should give you a good overview on how to create objects (tables, forms, reports,...)

    Otherwise you can buy the official MOC's (Microsoft Official Manuals). (They are not so expensive.)

    Contact the nearest CPLS (Certified Partner for Learning Solutions) and they should be able to order the MOC's for you.
    Debugging is twice as hard as writing code. Therefore if you write the code as cleverly as possible you are by definition not smart enough to debug it.
  • fverkelfverkel Member Posts: 66
    There is a good book about programming with Navision
    "Programming Microsoft Dynamics NAV":

    "Created especially for experienced programmers with no previous knowledge of NAV development, this book is for people who want to learn as quickly as possible to create, modify or maintain NAV applications."
    Keep It Simple and Stupid (KISS), but never oversimplify.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,110
    [Topic moved from Navision Tips & Tricks forum to Navision forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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