Our database used size now has reached 53% and I optimize from time and time. The manual mentions it will not exceed 80%. otherwise it will be expanded. But I looked at the file menu and cannot find the expand. When I created a database in my client computer, I can see it. Any advice? Thanks!
Will not or Should not - very different
Neither the native database server nor SQL Server has a mechanism that automatically expands the database when used percentage hits 80%. On native it is recommended to have at least 15-20% free space, and the only way to expand the database is manually. On SQL Server it's the file's properties that determines whether the file automatically expandes, and by how much the file expands. It doesn't do that though until the file is full. So at some point the file is 99.9999999% full, a user posts another transaction, file is full, SQL Server will automatically expand the file by the percentage setup in the file properties.
You will want to set the file to big enough not to automatically expand too often, and keep an eye out and manually expand the file during off hours. You should keep the auto-grow setting on though, so that the database doesn't shut down when it hits that spot.
This is for SQL. But I apply the space rules to native also
Bottom line is - Do not rely on Auto-Grow.
Percent or size the issue is still the same.
BTW, I cannot find expand from database of the file menu. I am wondering if we don't have licence or some other reasons. Thanks a lot!
For SQL (Database - File - Alter). Just change the file size and click OK
Interesting :-k I would always do this from SSMS. Any reason for doing it from NAV?
Either way the result is the same. I tend to use SSMS a lot myself. However, many clients I deal with have little or no in-house IT capacity. When working with these customers to handle task like database expansion it can be easier to keep them in the NAV client (a familiar place) rather then exposing them to the complexity of SSMS.