I am a new bee to navision. I am focusing to learn navision. I could not understand about these planning tab of Item Card.Just throw one example.
If I select Reordering policy is Maximum Inventory what are the fields I need to fill .
I know about Safety stock wty, reorder point, reorder qty.
I could not understand these fieds Maximum Inventory, Minimum Order qty,Maximum Order qty.
Please explain about these fields. How to work with maximum inventory policy. Ar what condition we use this.
Thanks and regards
Minimum Order Quanitty is the minimum quantity to be purchased at purchase order. You cannot set a quantity in purchase order line that is smaller than the Minimum Order Quantity.
Maximum Order Quanitty is the maximum quantity to be purchased at purchase order. You cannot set a quantity in purchase order line that is greater than the Maximum Order Quantity.
I want know how the scenario works, that’s why I fill some fields in Planning Tab.
But I am not getting the accurate values.
I am giving the examples.
I created one item A. I have Inventory = 50.
For this item Reordering policy = Maximum Inventory
Safety stock = 10
Maimum Inventory = 20
Minimum Order qty = 50
Maximum order qty = 80.
Now I created a sales order for this item 300.
When run the Req.Worksheet System is calculating only 50.
Why? What is the mistake ?
Thanks and regards
So ignoring your settings describe in words what you are trying to achieve. Then perhaps some settings could be given to achieve this.
Do you know what the maximum policy is trying to achieve?
I am fresher to navision . I am working on this planning tab.
So Actually i dont know about the process. So that filled some fields.
So leave about my issue.
Please explain about Maximum Inventory. when can we use Maximum Inventory for a firm.If i select maximum Policy what are the fields i have to fill .
Please throw u r valuable solution to me.
thanks and regards.
I am following u r suggestion.
I created one item A. That ‘s inventory is 200. Location Is blue.
I have component at location is Blue.
Reordering Policy – Maximum Inventory
Maximum Inventory = 300
Now I created one sales order for the above item Qty = 400.
Now I run the Req.Worksheet . it is showing only one line with the 500 qty. It’s ok.
Now I filled two fields those are minimum order qty = 50 ,Maximum order qty = 150.
So I have Maximum Inventory = 300, minimum order qty = 50 ,Maximum order qty = 150.
And the sales order qty = 400
Now I run Req.Worksheet . It is showing two lines with the Qty = 150, qty 150.
Why it is showing only 300. It has to show 500.
Please let me know what is the problem.
Thanks and regards
Whilst it does not work, it does not surprise me because depending upon the settings the maximum one really is a pain. I believe Microsoft also do not advise you use the maximum and minimum quantities with this policy! Anyway report it as a bug, or set the order multiple up!
So iam requesting U . Leave my example .Please tell what are fields do i need to fill when i select Maximum Policy. ?
what is the use Order multiple set up.?
thanks and regards
In your example I would set Maximum Inventory to 300 and order multiple to 50.