Navision 3.10: What is the easiest way to apply a discount to a sales order?!
Normally what we do is just calculate 10% or whatever off the original price of an item via calculator and manually enter them ourselves.
I'm thinking there has to be an easier way.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer
Thanks a bunch!
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer
another method could be using customer->Invoice disounts
if it's the entire order and/specific customers.
There are also Quanity discounts - say you have an item that if a customer buy's 12 they get a discount
so 1 to 11 they get the regular price at 12 the discount pop's in.
I mainly am a jack of all trades kind of meaning they hired me for data entry, but I repair computers, run to the post office, etc.
Nice because I get paid more than people who've been there a lot longer than me.
When printing a sales order taking a discount of 15% off $14.50 my calculator puts $12.325, so $12.33, but Navision is $12.32444. Thus, when you print it doesn't have enough room on the sheet and just prints *****.
When printing a Proforma Invoice it shows the original total and not the discounted total. I think the same is for Picking Sheet.
View the sections
on the field that is getting *****
right click and view the properties
change the Decimalplaces proprty to 2:2 if it isn't
2: At least 2 decimal places
:2 No more than 2 decimal places