Problem with Outlook Synchronization

drecksgekritzeldrecksgekritzel Member Posts: 37
i got a problem with the outlook synchronization.
If i create a contact person or a company in navision and sync it with outlook it works fine. And if i create a contact person in outlook and sync it with navision it works fine too.
if i create a new company in outlook and try to sync it then i get the following error message:
08.04.2008 16:06:44 An Outlook item cannot be synchronized because the Art field of the VGL_FORTS entity cannot be processed. Try again later and if the problem persists contact your system administrator.

I don't understand why this error appears because the sync entity is nearly the same as the entitiy of the contact person. The only difference is in the filter condition.
At the company sync entity it is WHERE(Type=(CONST(Company))
and at the person entity it is WHERE(Type=(CONST(Person))...

Thanks for your help in advance!

Kind Regards



  • drecksgekritzeldrecksgekritzel Member Posts: 37
    Ok, i found the answer by myself.
    The failure is in the sync entity configuration the standart value of type was not in the right language ](*,) ](*,)
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