Using Production Forecast For 'Purchase' Items

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I heard it is possible to use the 'Planning Worksheet' to suggest purchase orders for 'Purchase' items based on forecasted sales demand entered into the Production Forecast. Is this the case? Is there any other way of using the Production Forecast with 'Purchase' items.

Any help appreciated,



  • Dave_CintronDave_Cintron Member Posts: 189
    Yes this is correct, although the Production Forecast is meant to be just that, a PRODUCTION forecast. To handle Purchased items alone, the Requisition Worksheet under Purchases > Planning is available.
    Dave Cintron
    Dynamics West
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039
    Hi Johathan,

    Have you looked at the "Order Planning" worksheet. This will suggect both POs and production order.
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

    Thanks for the replies. I've been trying the Order Planning worksheet, but it only seems to suggest purchase orders based on existing sales orders. It doesn't seem to take into account the production forecast entries I've input to generate demand. I am only using items of replenishment type 'Purchase'.

    Also, does the Order Planning worksheet use the same stock parameters (min,max etc) from the item card that the Requisition Worksheet does?

    Thanks for your help,

  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039
    Hi Jonathan,

    No it's a bit more basic. It will however suggest PO for the components of production orders. This is a two stage process sales order -> production order -> purchase order. You could try putting in forecasted production orders to see if that can help.
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Thanks, production orders are not appropriate to the business which just buys in, sells out. I think I'm pretty resigned to the fact that I cannot use the production forecast for generating anticipated demand of bought in items.

    I guess I'll look down the road of generating dummy blanket sales orders to generate demand, the only problem with that is they have to be for a specific customer, and if I used a 'FORECAST' customer then the blanket order quantity would not reduce as sales orders are raised, giving the potential for the Requisition Worksheet to order too much.

    Anybody solved this in another way?

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Jonathan, what set up are you using. Give me a simple example with one item and some dates, I will see what I can replicate. As I said in the other posting it does work, but only on future based forecasts, it ignores past forecasts.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Hi Adam,

    Many thanks for your help. I have an item with the following properties :

    Inventory : 0
    On Purch Ord. : 0
    On Sales Ord. : 0
    Replenishment System : Purchase
    Reorder Policy : Fixed Reorder Qty
    Reorder Cycle : 1W
    Reorder Point : 600
    Reorder Qty : 600
    Vendor Card Lead Time : 8W

    I then have production forecast entries as follows :
    01/06/2008 2000
    01/07/2008 6000
    01/08/2008 3000

    I then go into 'Order Planning' and click Functions-->Calculate Plan. No lines are generated for this item, I only get suggested lines for items with existing sales orders entered.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    NAV version : 4.01 Danish

  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Hi Adam,

    Sorry I now realise I was using the 'Order Planning' screen rather than the 'Planning Worksheet', however I'm still unable to generate purchase orders for the forecasted item, using either of the 'Calculate Plan' options.

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Hi Jonathan

    What location is the forecast on?
    Is forecast by location selected in the manufacturing setup?
    I presume you are selecting the forecast on the planning worksheet?
    What is the components at location set to in Manufacturing setup - not balnk I hope :D
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Hi Adam,

    I've finally got the planning worksheet to start suggesting lines for forecasted demand. Your last message really helped - the problem was down to a combination of location setup and current production forecast. I still have some more investigation to do because so far the only way I've got it to generate is using the following parameters :

    Manufacturing Setup
    Current Production Forecast : (Blank)
    Use Forecast On Location : (Blank)
    Components at Location : (Blank)

    Inventory Setup
    Location Mandatory : (Blank)

    Production Forecast Entry
    Location Code : (Blank)

    As soon as I change one of these, the plan no longer gets suggested. The most surprising parameter is the 'Current Production Forecast' on the Mfg Setup - I assumed this was just a default for the Calculate Plan batch job but if I fill this in on Mfg Setup the plan stops working! Not a problem that I have to specify it each time I run the job though.

    I'm going to have to explore further as I don't want to turn off 'Location Mandatory'.

    Many thanks for all your help.

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Hi Jonathan

    I am using a Cronus 5 native to replicate what you have, just in case we have a major difference here.

    I would guess, if you are not using SKU's, the most important setting is the components at location setting. I have this set to BLUE.

    If I have a default forecast not set, and do not select it on the requisition worksheet it does not plan for the forecast. If I leave the manufacturing setup blank and set it on the plan it generates it generates a plan for the forecast.

    My forecast has no location set, but the components at help the planning engine as this setting, enabling a base location to plan from.

    The location mandatory has no affect on plan generation.

    Have you any modifications in this area? :D
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Hi Adam,

    No I have no modifications in this area, bit I think I've pretty much got it cracked now. You are right in that the key settings are 'Components At Location' and 'Forecast By Location' and the Location Code on the forecast entry. In order for it to plan fully, including taking the item card planning settings (min/max etc) into account, then the components at location must match the location on the forecast entry, otherwise it just plans Lot-For-Lot.

    The 'Location Mandatory' flag does prevent it generating a plan if it is ticked and the forecast entry location is blank.

    Regarding the 'Current Production Forecast' on the manufacturing setup, I've found that if this is filled in then the 'Planning Worksheet' does not plan for forecast but the 'Requisition Worksheet' works fine. This must be a bug in 4.01 SP1.

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Well let us know when the "almost" becomes "fully" and any other questions you know where we are!!
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552
    Many thanks for all your help Adam.

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