
Multiple Navision Server on One Machine

kailoukailou Member Posts: 14
edited 2004-03-17 in Navision Financials
Has anyone installed more than one navision 2.6D servers on a single machine?
When I run the setup the system removes the old server or repairs it.


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    Soft_TodSoft_Tod Member Posts: 43
    Yep youre right about that. The setup routine can only handle one instance of the server installation.

    Its possible though to install more servers on the same machine. There is a white paper for it somewhere.

    Mainly you have to process these actions:
    - copy the server files to another directory (check the current server service in the registry if you dont know where theyre installed)
    - create a batch file to install the server as service, preferable as it will be much easier to maintain, deinstall, change and so on.
    - add the port number to use to the servers SERVICES file as the servers cant share ports. (Something like "MyServer260 2410/tcp")

    The batch file could look like this:
    server.exe servername=MyServer260,cache=8000,commitcache=yes,nettype=tcp,database=c:\MyServerPath\MyDB.fdb,installasservice
    It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so ingenious.
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    kailoukailou Member Posts: 14
    Thanks a million.
    I tried and it worked.
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