Split Invoice Line Posting

chadwickechadwicke Member Posts: 10
edited 2004-03-16 in Navision DOS
I need to find a way to post one line on an invoice to mutiple GL revenue codes.

For instance, I need to enter one item on an invoice for £1000, and have it post to two GL revenue codes, £500 to 6120 and £500 to 6130.

It would be preferable to enter GL codes that the invoice line posted to at the time the invoice line was entered.

Any help would be much apreciated.




  • r_jansenr_jansen Member Posts: 3
    One of our clients had a similar situation. Since automatically splitting up invoice lines to different GL account is not possible, we changed the report (206) in such a way that when the GL account (in your case 6120 and 6130) occurred, only one line was printed with the total amount of these lines. Calculating these lines must take place in the sales invoice header.

    I know, not very pretty, but it works.
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