How find out the Trigger-ID?

angelinaangelina Member Posts: 12
please excuse my probably stupid question :oops:

in some instructions on the partnersource, triggers are identified by an unique ID... how can I find it out? directly in the C/AL Code or by means of another table?

thanks a lot



  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    Ah, angelina. bella mia 8)

    here an example:

    go to Codeunit 1 in design mode.
    Oben the global Variables.
    then go to register functions.
    Now open the Properties (Shift + F4). Now you see the ID of the function.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • tihomirjurtihomirjur Member Posts: 21
    Another way of doing it is:
    Export the object to text. All variables and triggers have an unique ID - for example function RunWithCheck in codeunit 22 looks like this in txt:

    PROCEDURE RunWithCheck@13(VAR ItemJnlLine2@1000 : Record 83;VAR TempJnlLineDim2@1001 : Record 356);

    Notice @13 - thats the ID of the trigger. So if you want to find a certain trigger or variable by their number you simply do a search saying @13 (if you want to find this function).

    I hope it helps.
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