More phone numbers

remarkremark Member Posts: 122
Customer has more than one general contact phone number (not connected with particular person). On the customer card there is only one phone number textbox. The same is on contact card.

Would you, please, give your opinion, which way to handle this situation is better (for maybe not obvious for me reasons):

1) To add fields for additional phone numbers to Customer Table and show them on customer card.
2) To add contacts (in sufficient numbers) with type "person" without specifying any person in it. Specify phone number in each of these contacts and connect each with appropriate customer.

Thank you in advance.


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    On Customer table, you have Phone No. and phone No. 2. But if you have more contacts (people) to an Customer its better you create the customer (firm) as contact an add the persons as related contacts. So, you can also response the contactperson, for example, in sales order or purchase order.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • remarkremark Member Posts: 122
    Thank you, garak, for your reply!

    In fact, in my vesion (NAV RU 4.00 SP3 ) there is only the field "Phone No." (and no "Phone No. 2"). But it can be added, so it is all the same.
    I asked, because I suppose that maybe there is some common guidelines concerning things like that.

    Best regards!
  • remarkremark Member Posts: 122
    But, if I add fields "Phone No. 2", "Phone No. 3", "Phone No. 4" to the Table 18 "Customer", what will happen with my phone numbers after the nearest update?
    Am I going to loose all such information?
  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    if you will import the MS update, and this update include the table 18, you must merge your customized table(s) with the updated table. The same by forms, reports, codeunits ....
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • remarkremark Member Posts: 122
    garak wrote:
    if you will import the MS update, and this update include the table 18, you must merge your customized table(s) with the updated table. The same by forms, reports, codeunits ....

    Thanks for reply, garak!
    If I get you right, in case I merge tables when updating, all my additional fields will remain safe?
  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    yes, also your code. For merging big tables (or other objects) with a lot of customized changes, you can use the Dev.Toolkit

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • remarkremark Member Posts: 122
    Thank you, garak! :D
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