Hello all,
I have actually this configuration :
Naivision Attain 3.60 database in native mode (seaside)
The database is one file = 18Go
PIII 500Mhz, 756Mo de RAM, HDD SCSI, no RAID
30 users
I want to migrate my server because my server is old and the user has one problem, when an user validate, navision lock the table and all the society could'nt work. So many users spend time to wait the end of validation.
So i had this questions :
1°) Is sql would be faster in my configuration, or keep in seaside and change the server?
2°) If I want to choose SQL, would i must bought 2 server? one for SQl, one for Navision? In this case, Is the two server would be very fast?
The server i want to bought is this :
Pentium XEON 2.8Ghz / 2 processor
4HDD - 18GO 15000/min in RAID0
Is this server would be the sql server or the navision server? must I bought two server like this in sql case, or could i use the old server as navision server and the new as sql server?
Sorry for my poor english and Thanks for take time to help me,
We have more users in a larger database and the speed is excellent.
In fact it's not the speed who is really bad but the table lock when user validate who lock all user on navision during this time
Another opinion?
Not only performance of server (CPU, memory etc.) is important when searching for bottleneck in Navision installation. You must also check performance of network components and client computers. And style of your's application programming is important (i.e. table locking...).
There is possibility, that one (or more) clients are working on slow machines and these clients are working on time consuming tasks. You need to use some monitoring tool (i.e. Client Monitor in Navision Client) for analyze, what happens when somebody locks database during his work. If client has slow computer, it can slow down whole network.
More help about bottlenecks can be found in ISM guide on Navision CD.
effectivly my commit cache is checked it's sure.
My network component is good and tested, all 100Mbit. My workstations is, I think, good the minimum is PIII 500, the computer who validate was upgraded to PIII 1Ghz.
Your opinion on sql?
Have a nice day
And have made the solutions there are talking here about.
The splitting of the database in two parts works best.
But on real two parts, no partition. Disks with the same performance.
It works.
May be your solution center can program some comitts in
the process that causes the blocking.