Hi all, wonder if someone could help with this.
When you create a new customer and enter the Bill-to code, the Pay-from code that is assigned to that Bill-to customer does not get entered automatically in the Pay-from field on the new customer card. Is there a way to do this? Many thanks!
What version are you using ??? Is this some kind of custom field on your customer table ??
It's used to deal with 'payment centres', a sort of centralised office where all the cheques for a number of different customers come from. The invoices still go to the Bill-to code address, but the actual payments come from the Pay-from code address (if that makes any sense!).
Yes, Perfect sense.
Try something like this:
Create a new variable:
Billto Rec 18
"Bill-to Code" :On Validate Trigger()
Billto.get("Bill-to Customer No.");
"Pay From":=Billto."Pay From";