Navision Developers Toolkit

AtillaBilgicAtillaBilgic Member Posts: 8
edited 2004-03-05 in Navision Financials
Hi Everyone,

As a beginner on Navision Development issue I want to discover Development Toolkit. My question is "Is there any way to use Development Toolkit with SQL Server database ?" I have checked Developers Toolkit Guide twice but I could find nothing.

I will be greatful if I can find any answer on this stuff.



  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    The toolkit can be used on either the Navision database or the SQL Server version of the Navision database.

    Just proceed as you normally would, all of the action takes place in the client, you cant tell the difference from the client which one you are on anyway.

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    Well it is possible to import objects out of a SQL database into the dev toolkit, but I don't think it is possible to have your toolkit database on SQL server is it?
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