Using Navision 3.10.
What report is used to pull up a list of all customers (with as much information as possible, ie: address, contact, phone number) who have not have sales since 06/01/07?
We want to pull up a report of everything who we haven't done business with in awhile and contact them. Thought I've done this before, but can't seem to find something that'll pull up with name, phone number, etc. Would make it easy to contact people.
Call it "Last Invoice Date" or something
DataType = Date
CalcFormula=Max("Cust. Ledger Entry"."Posting Date" WHERE (Document Type=FILTER(Invoice),Customer No.=FIELD(No.)))
This will show the last invoice date the customer has - and you can use it on any report that uses the customer table...Aging, statement, etc, etc.
You can use the Customer List report with the following filters:
Date Filter: 06/01/07..
Sales ($): 0
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
I have a program called CutePDF which can enable me to print as a PDF file. Then I use a program to convert it into Excel format.
I could stop there, but one step further I have ASAP Utilities installed in my Excel. This has many feature, but one of them let's me split the addresses from 5 or 6 rows into columns.