StyleSheet Tool

bergoullebergoulle Member Posts: 23
Hi guys.

This is my first post, so i would like to thank everyone for sharing knowledge. It help a lot.

I m building a report using stylesheet tool. The report work fine, i m proud of it.
The problem is, i want to translate it in 3 languages (NLB,ENU & FRB).
So i made three differents layout ( Mail Merged), In that way the user will have to select the language and print the report.

To launch the report, i use a custom button witch call the codeunit 1 :
StyleSheetlink.SETFILTER("Template Code",XXXXX);
IF StyleSheettable.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
  StylesheetID:=StyleSheetlink."Style Sheet ID";

I think i m missing the record, witch is probably related with DataXML and
ApplicationXML variable.

Anybody know how i can fix this ?


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