Embedded Controls for MBS Navision v1.01
Did you always believe that displaying custom controls (OCX) is impossible in MBS Navision? Well it is possible! Get yourself introduced to the newly developed technology called 'Embedded Controls for MBS Navision'.
Discuss this download here.
3 months released and still no feedback here?
We would like some feedback ..
Please post comments on:
- functionality
- ease of use
- documentation
- etc.
Furtheron i would like to post a correction of the FAQ section in the manual. There is a link provided, but MS has changed this. The correct link you can find below. In some cases you will need this download in order for the ChartSpace to work.
Unfortunatly the link is invalid: http://www.logicvision.nl\embeddedcontrols.html/ - what is the correct address to get more information?
the proper link is:
http://www.logicvision.nl/linkin.php?ci ... t_item=157
Pricing for charting is available there. If you are interested in the pictureviewer or slider control then you can send a email to embeddedcontrols@logicvision.nl for pricing.
Where did you find your broken link? Then i can try to correct this.
If you want to order, click on the lighthouse in the demo version.
You ask for replies. I've tried your demo, focusing on the picture viewer. It's simple but effective. BUT I need to use it (or some other product) to view jpeg's stored in BLOP's in Navision 4.0. Now I can of cource export the pics as files, and view them. Bur it's rather slow, even though the files are rather small (I view two at a time in two pictureforms, and they are about 25 Kb each).
So the obvious question is - have you got an extension for this, that could view files stored in BLOP or are you planning one. Is it at all possible, or am I missing something?
Thanks for any reply!
I'm sorry i think this is not possible. I did try to make a function where you could pass a BLOB variable pointer but i didn't succeed in that so probably i think it is not possible. And even if i could i don't think it would solve your performance problem. I'm now speaking of a native Navision database, maybe it is possible to extract a BLOB file from SQL server without using C/AL.
Anyway it is not on the features list anymore as it seems not to be an important feature and probably wouldnt boost the performance.
Though i find it strange that the proces of exporting a BLOB field is slow. I think - for file sizes of 25kb - this should not be a problem. Take a good look at your code, maybe you find some improper usage of keys that slows down the record searching or maybe this can be solved by the cache settings of the navision server and/or client.
Hope this was helpfull for you and if you have any further questions please ask.
Regards Jan-Pieter
I am trying to install to try out the charting tool. I am having an error saying that the license file is invalid. Is there any object range that must be made available for the license file to work?
By the way, where can I find the pricing and the licensing mode for this product? Can it be installed on a citrix server? How will the licensing work on a citrix server? The link provided above did not work, I tried both on IE and on FireFox.