Find duplicate contact before inserting it?

GregorDGregorD Member Posts: 26

is there any easy way to find a duplicate contact before inserting it? I want to do the following. I import orders and users from a webshop. many customers from new orders do already exist in NAV. the webshop and navision were two separate systems in the past and every order and customer was inserted manually. now there exists an interface between these two systems, but the customer <--> webshop user matching is not so good as expected. many customers can be matched by there e-mail address, but there are a lot of customers, the mail address is not filled.

All orders and customers are inserted in import tables. Now, this is the point where i can implement some functions. I thought about the possibility to create contact in a temporary table out of the imported users and call a function that returns a duplicate contact no., or fills a table with suitable contacts.

The next step could be a manual step, where the user chooses one of these contacts, or decides to create a new contact an customer out of the imported webshop user.

Now the question is, is there any standard functionality to solve this problem? Or any similar way to handle it?

I'm lookinf forward to your answers!

Best regards!


  • girish.joshigirish.joshi Member Posts: 407
    Have you tried using/modifiying the Duplicate Contact form?

    In 4.0 go to Sales and Marketing -> Marketing -> Periodic Activities -> Duplicates
  • cunnycunny Member Posts: 129
    I used to have the some similar problem when I need to import orders from another system into Navision. And generate new sales orders according to the imported orders against the right customers in Navision. What I did was creating a new field on customer table called Sys2customer.No., validate it to make sure it's unique, before I did anything I filled this field by the customer Nos. from system2 under the right match, meaning building a mapping for the customers who are same but with different Nos. between two systems.

    After that, make sure orders from system2 comtain the system2.customer Nos. And system2.customer Nos. can be found in Navision Customer table mapping field if the mapping exist, which means finding the mapping customer No. in Navision finding the the final Navision customer, the next is how to create sales orders in Navision against the found Navision customer, at that time for me I had to build Item mappings as well. But finally it works.

    In your case, if the contacts are the information on the inported orders which can be used to find Navision customer, I would do the same thing, but i will try to make sure every order from the second system contains the customer no. from the second system, with the right customer mapping, there will be no problem for you to generate Navision sales orders.

    Good Luck
    cunny Lee
    MCP - MBS Navision
  • GregorDGregorD Member Posts: 26
    Hi, thanks for your answers so far.

    @girish.joshi: yes, i know about this table, but i don't exactly know how to use these data for my problem. I also checked the exisiting functions in codeunit 5060 - DuplicateManagement. As I understand, the Table 5085 - Duplicate Contact and the codeunit is only for already existing contacts. What I need is a functionality to check existing contacts for duplicates, before inserting the "new" one from the webshop system. I don't know, if this is possible with the standard functions.

    @cunny: I have already a mapping field for customers / contacts in NAV and the webshop users. All users defined by their email addresses are mapped and future orders from those users will automatically choose the mapped / right customer. What has to be done is an initial mapping of all webshop useres and the NAV customers. Approximately 50%-75% of all users can be mapped by their mail adresses. The rest must be mapped by other fields, like address, street, name, etc... And for this, I want some automatic function to recommend at best exactly one customer or if there are more than one, the NAV user has to select one customer manually out of a suggestion list.

    So the question is, is it reasonable or even possible to use standard functionality like tabe 5060? What I do not want to do, is to insert all contacts and check duplicates afterwards. The duplicate check has to happen with the Import Users and the existing contacts / customers.

    I'm looking forward to your answers!

    Best regards!
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