How do you save an e-mail attachment as PDF not HTML?

gadzilla1gadzilla1 Member Posts: 316
Hello all,

I'm wondering if anyone out there has modified Report 14000901 - Sales E-Mail to save the attachment as a PDF as opposed to HTML?

There is a section of code in Report 14000901 that I've been playing with but have had limited success:

SaveReportAsHTML(EMailAttachment."Attachment Report ID",TempFilename);

I've also installed PDFCreator.

If anyone has been able to accomplish this I'd greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you very much - gad1


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,110
    The PDFCreator should have installed a virtual printer. Print to that printer and PDFCreator will create a pdf-file.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • gadzilla1gadzilla1 Member Posts: 316
    Thanks - but I may be misunderstanding something. I've used the virtual printer for PDFCreator and can print to saves the print out as a PDF.

    I still do not understand how to revise the SaveAsHtml code so the attachment as PDF is made automatically?

    Sorry for the confusion...
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    It looks like if your PDF is saved in a set place with a set name that you can add it to the email setup as fixed file. It also allows for a report to be attached already see the section:
    // Create and add attachment
    IF ShowStatus THEN
    EMailAttachment.SETRANGE("E-Mail Code",EMailHeader.Code);
    IF EMailAttachment.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
      EMailSetup.TESTFIELD("E-Mail Buffer Directory");
        CASE EMailAttachment.Type OF
          EMailAttachment.Type::Report: //ALLOWS A REPORT
              EMailAttachment.TESTFIELD("Attachment Name");
              EMailAttachment.TESTFIELD("Attachment Report ID");
              TempFilename := EMailSetup."E-Mail Buffer Directory";
              IF COPYSTR(TempFilename,STRLEN(TempFilename),1) <> '\' THEN
                TempFilename := TempFilename + '\';
              TempFilename := TempFilename + FieldValue.SubstituteAttachment(EMailAttachment);
              SaveReportAsHTML(EMailAttachment."Attachment Report ID",TempFilename);
              EMailAttachmentTmp := EMailAttachment;
              EMailAttachmentTmp."Use Attachment File Name" := TempFilename;
          EMailAttachment.Type::"Fixed File": //ALLOWS A FIXED FILE
              IF NOT EXISTS(EMailAttachment."Fixed File Name") THEN
                ERROR('Attachment file %1 do not exists.',EMailAttachment."Fixed File Name");
              MailOCX.AddAttachment(EMailAttachment."Fixed File Name");
      UNTIL EMailAttachment.NEXT = 0;
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    See I'm thinking the report first creates the PDF file c:\MyFile.Pdf

    in the email setup of the Sales Order or Invoice - whichever your doing to can tell the email to always get the same attachment (Fixed FIle). then have it delete the file once done. Hope that makes sence..
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