Is it possible to display the early settlement discount amount on a sales invoice? At present the printout says something like "If paid by xx/xx/xx you get 1.5% discount", but I'd like the report to state the actual discount amount allowed (some of our customers work out the discount incorrectly).
You can find the amount by looking af Customer Ledger Entries with the same document no. and look in the field "Original Pmt. Disc. Possible".
Declare the variable: CustLedg (Record, Cust. Ledger Entry)
and PossDiscountAmount (Decimal)
and use the code:
PossDiscountAmount := 0;
custledg.setcurrentkey("Document No.");
custledg.setrange("Document no.","No.");
custledg.setrange("Document Type",custledg."Document Type"::Invoice);
custledg.setrange("Posting date","posting date"); // Just to be sure...
if not custledg.find('-') then
PossDiscountAmount := custledg."Original Pmt. Disc. Possible";
Henrik Frederiksen, Denmark