Error 1962 in module 19

JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267

I have problem to open one database. Customer use client version SP3, database version 2.6D. Native Database.

I do full backup, after restore on my local computer,. when i try to open company i have this error.
I try to copy full database (fdb) and i have the same when try open company.
Customer open company without problem.
I see 2 topic of this issue but there is no working solution.
I optimize database and test it (there is no errors without bad ralations)
I check it on 2 machine with nav client SP3 (the same as customer usees). Always the same error

Explanation of this error is
19-1262 #Err_DB_ObjectStillRefered DB_Err(1262)

I try to open this on next pc and hit one that open database (fresh system)
I still can't find the diffrences beetween those pc's.
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