customer statements

zacin_czacin_c Member Posts: 9
Dear all

I'm having problems getting customer (debtor) statements to print properly (I print them via recievables > reports > statement).

Two things are happening which I do not know how to change:

1. Customer statements with no balance are printing off; by this I mean just the address details with nothing else (the 'include al customers with a balance' option is checked on);

2. If a client has unallocated credit notes or payments on their ledger, these do not show. So if I see a balance of £70,000 which includes a a £10,000 unallocated payment, the £10K won't show on the statement - the statement will print with a total balance of £80,000.

Assistance would be much appreciated!


  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283

    What version are you running?
    Is this report modified? Or is it report 116 unmodified?
    In 4 (?) you have a selection to include unappliec entries, is this selected?
    On the blank customers do they have unapplied entries or open entries? Is the balnce really 0 at the end of the period?
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • zacin_czacin_c Member Posts: 9
    Version UK 4.00 SP3

    Errr not sure what you mean by ' modified' and 'report 116' (sorry, still trying to familiarse myself with Navision!).

    On blank customers - it transpires that there are actually balances on those accounts.

    However all that appears on the statement is the client address, and the column headers under which the figures would be (date, our ref, your ref, amount, etc) then there is just nothing underneath.

    About the 'unapplied entries' - there is no option for this where I'm looking...

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Errr not sure what you mean by ' modified' and 'report 116' (sorry, still trying to familiarse myself with Navision!).
    Every Report has it's own number, just as every table, form, codeunit, dataport, xmlport, etc.

    Modified means has any changes been made to the report to fit your company better.

    Easiest way is to go to Tools->Object designer->Reports
    Scroll around until you find your report. On the right there are some version columns and also a modified column. Does it have a checked box?
    About the 'unapplied entries' - there is no option for this where I'm looking...
    What he's asking by this, if I may guess, is take a look at your printed report. Pick a customer that you think should not be on the report. go to the customer card. drill in the balance and see if any of the entries are 'OPEN'

    Also be aware of your dates here. If you pick Jan 31 and the payments n such are posted with a date after then - it will not show beacuse you asked for it that way with your date choice.
  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    zacin_c wrote:
    Version UK 4.00 SP3

    About the 'unapplied entries' - there is no option for this where I'm looking...


    On the options tab beneath the tick box for "include all customers with a balance" you have another called "Include unapplied entries". I am running a 5 client and I cannot tell you when this tick box came in! :D

    Also when you press the print of the report it brings up your filter, if you then select tools and designer it will tell you the report name and number. If you then go to Tools and Object designer you can find this report (if it is 116) and look at the version (assuming if a modification has been done this has been altered).

    Most statement reports in the UK I know are re-written to meet the needs of the business, it just depends to what extent yours has been re-written!
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Oh one other thing, if you are back dating the statement print to Jan 31st and at that time the customer balance was zero with no transactions, and then on Feb 1st there is a transaction and balance, and you run the report today, I believe it will print the customer with no transactions, at least I am sure this used to happen on one standard version of the report :D
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • zacin_czacin_c Member Posts: 9
    Ok, I think I know what's happened.

    Report 116 is in receivables > documents > customer statement (statement printed from here is beyond comprehension, I think whoever tried modifying this must've been on crack).

    Statements we use are in receivables > reports > statement.

    Upon checking in the object designer folder, it transpires that we're using report 50006, and a "new" version, 50032, has appeared for statements. At a guess, it looks like these have been specifically created (and not very well) for us.

    Which would probably explain why there's no "include applied entries" option.

    Re: the dates, I remain baffled as to what it's trying to do. I'm printing statements as at 31.01, yet it would seem that it's these clients whose statements are appearing as blank.

    Is it safe to assume that whoever messed around with this, did exactly this - messed it up?
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    go to object designer and run report 116 directly to see if it works the way you want it.
  • zacin_czacin_c Member Posts: 9
    no it doesn't, it looks appaling... looks like someone's had a go at it already.

    I clicked on the 'design' button, but all I get is a table of some sort... is there a way of bringing up the template and shifting all the fields around physically?
  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    From the "table" view click "View" and then "Sections", but if you have no training or experience you will be more likely to produce something that you see before you now!

    Also best to design on a test database, test it then apply to live, in this way you do not get issues with the objects in live as you currently have.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
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