Table permission error, SQL, db_owner, etc.

bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

Error: You do not have permission to read the Item Ledger Entry Table

Happens at: Sales & Marketing > Analysis & Reporting > Analysis Reports (under a certain combination of settings.)


NAV 5.0
SQL Server
User has "ALL" and "SUPER" roles.
Licence: BRL and developer - no difference

Now, if I backup the database, create a local (native) database, and restore into it, the error does not occur - no matter whether I use the BRL or a developer licence.

So, the only difference seems to be the SQL vs. native database difference.

Back on SQL (using database logins) the final piece of the puzzle is found: Users with db_owner status do not receive the error, but users without this permission do.

Seems odd, and the SQL administrator is *not* about to give all the users db_owner priviledges just to circumvent this problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank's in advance



  • hawwahawwa Member Posts: 106
    You need to syncronize security setting in Navision with SQL Server by running Syncronize Single Login or Syncronize All Logins function.
  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309
    Hi. Thank's for the response.

    Actually, I tried that earlier today - logged in through client's VPN and start the sync. Five minutes later my phone was melting because all the users were frozen. I killed my NAV client and the world started turning again.

    Will try the sync tonight. (Late tonight!)

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    Have you considered putting them on Standard Security model? If nobody, or just a very select few, needs access to the database other than through the NAV client it works just as secure, and synchronizing takes less than a second.
  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309
    I will look at that - thank-you for the idea.

  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    Your Database security modell is not working with the Standard Security Modell. (See File -> Database -> Alter -> REgister ?? -> Security model

    So if there is not the standard, you must synchron. all users if you are modify tables (delete columns, add columns, rename, add new key, etc.)
    But during synchr. all users are blocked. When you not need the ench. Security modell, you cann change to the standard security modell.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    I have a user with a similar problems with sales orders in SQL Server.
    In this case they had a security filter based on salesperson. If the order's sell-to customer had no sales shipments for that particular sell-to, then they received the table permission problem on the sales shipment table when selecting an order from the lookup form.
    I have reported this to Microsoft and am waiting for their response.
    Maybe this is the same problem where there are zero results based on the filter.
    (This happened on 5.0 executables with 4.02 objects.)
  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

    I changed the security model and now the synchronizing does in deed take less than a second.

    The user that reported the problem is away this week though, so I can;t tell if the problem is gone.

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