I believe that the application builder licence only allows you to change codeunits that do not write or modify security protected ledger tables
You should be able to change Coudeunit 8 (AccSchedManagement) or codeunit 64 (Sales-Get Shipment) but not codeunit 12 (Gen. Jnl.-Post Line) or codeunit 80 (Sales-Post).
To be able to change data in the ledger tables or any related codeunit (Or other object with modifying code for these tables) I believe you will need a full solution developer licence.
I have just tested one of our guys who has sat the application designers courses and his licence works.
I believe that the application builder licence only allows you to change codeunits that do not write or modify security protected ledger tables
You should be able to change Coudeunit 8 (AccSchedManagement) or codeunit 64 (Sales-Get Shipment) but not codeunit 12 (Gen. Jnl.-Post Line) or codeunit 80 (Sales-Post).
To be able to change data in the ledger tables or any related codeunit (Or other object with modifying code for these tables) I believe you will need a full solution developer licence.
Lead Consultant