Hi all,
*If it was not for this forum I'd be lost*
...to the point.
I need to create a report that details item sales by salesperson.
The general requirement is for a report that when run will show the quantities of individual items a saleperson has sold in a given time period (User defined).
Could people point me in the right direction with this please.
Thanks for all help that is given.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will drink beer allday.
You will need to loop your Item Ledger Entries but as you maybe saw already, you don't have the saleperson in the Item Ledge entries.
I would say, you'll have to create the field and transfer the right value. As you maybe know.
Every Item ledge entry is made in codeunit 22. Codeunit 22 needs a record based on table 83. This record is create from codeunit 80 and 90. And probably from a lot of other places as well.
To do so you will need to:
Add the field to table 32
Add the field to table 83
Fill the new field in table 83 in the function "PostItemJnlLine" in Codeunit 80
Fill the new field in table 32 in the function "InitItemLedgEntry" in Codeunit 22
This should solve the missing field issue.
Then create a new key in table 32 which contains the saleseprson field.
Create a new report using the wizard, select the new key, set the grouping based on salesperson (and other fields you need to group on) and you should have the report you want.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
Hmmm - this does seem a female dog.
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
I did not realise it would require such work to complete what I thought to be a straight forward report.
However, what about creating a flowfield ???
Add the field "Salesperson" to the Item Ledger Entries Table (Table 32) and have it lookup to the customer table (table 18 ). the link for this is where the "Source No." in t32 is the same as the "No." in t18.
You will more than likely need to filter on "Entry Type"=Sale and possibly create a new key with these fields defined in them otherwise the report will run FOREVER.
Personally, I would go for the Solution centre option (but then I work for one so I'm baised
I keep a log of these things so in the next financial year I could try and justify the cost of the application developers license and perhaps a training course chucked in also
You can not include flowfields in keys. So this means you can not group on flowfields using the standard Navision methode. You should program the group yourself.
Np, of that previous post. I don't mind helping others.
Btw, Dean Axon, You almost got my name right!
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
I would estimate that the fix by Emiel would take about 1/2 a day anyway, and thats not me sticking up for another NSC. Try asking how much for the mod, update of the historical data AND the writing of the report. That MAY just help you justify the cost.
Hope this helps.
The report looks right anyway. If the figures are wrong I am sure there will be a sales person or financial director knocking at my desk.
Thanks guys.