Modify the invoice Layout

egomezmcegomezmc Member Posts: 10
Hello, i'm new in Dynamics NAV, and I have a lot of doubts modifying the invoice report within Dynamics NAV, the first one is, how should I change the orientation of the page, the layout of the preprinted form of my customer its landscape, but I was unable to make that change, could you help me with this?.

Thanks in advance

Ellery E Gómez


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    go under the last dataitem in the report to the blank line.
    then view the properties.

    there you will see a choice for Orientation

    I would also suggest reading the Application Designers Guide PDF on the Nav CD about Reports.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    First, make a copy of the report, and do your modifications on the copy. Always do your modifications on a copy of the report, especially as a newbee. You will thank me later.
  • egomezmcegomezmc Member Posts: 10
    Thankyou DenSter and Savatage.

    DenSter when you say Copy did you mean Save As the report? or there's a file under Program Files folder.

    I'm reading the file that Savatage says, but i didn't find how to change the space between the fields. I'm already change the font size, but i need to decrese the vertical space or make smaller the fields.


    Ellery E Gomez
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    yes i was thinking "Save As" give new number on 50000+ range with new name.

    If your talking about adjusting Section Sizes.

    View->Sections->Click on the section you want to adjust the hight
    View->Properties you will see SectionHeight property

    You can read the Application Designers Guide that comes on the product CD. It has a whole section on Creating Reports.
  • egomezmcegomezmc Member Posts: 10
    I mean, every section of the report has a grid (with points), you can move the fields in any order, but the position of these are limited to the align to the grid.


    Ellery E Gómez
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    No you do have more control of the fields than you think. Yes the fields do pop around in some default way but if you click on the field & view items properties you can fine tune where on the form and how big.

    See: XPos, YPos, Width, Height
  • egomezmcegomezmc Member Posts: 10
    Thankyou again Savatage, that works perfectly. Now I have 2 more doubts, (Am I really too newbie?)

    The report is the same, the Sales Invoice.

    How can I multiply 2 fields? and the other one is:

    I have 2 more tables in this report, The Items table, I'm using 2 fields from this table, and the Vendor table, the table are already linked via Data Item Link Reference. After this I had to add 2 bodies to the report, so, with this 2 more bodies, the vertical align of the fields aren't the same, and if one field is copied to another section of the report, it shows a variable error or some like that.

    Thankyou in Advance

    Best Regards
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    edited 2008-02-19
    egomezmc wrote:
    How can I multiply 2 fields?
    Your really need to read/use the application designers guide.
    Field1 := Field2 * Field3;
    the vertical align of the fields aren't the same
    Ok, Align them, not sure the problem there :-s
    if one field is copied to another section of the report, it shows a variable error or some like that.
    It will sure pay to put your exact errors, "some(thing) like that" cannot be answered
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