VAT and Sales Tax in Navision

DDLDDL Member Posts: 41
Dear Friends,

I am from India. We have two types of taxes VAT and Sales Tax for calculating taxes at the time of sales

Can any one of you help me in defining the setups for calculating both VAT and Sales Tax for a single item in Navision i.e.

VAT will be calculated if the Customer is within the State and Sales tax will be calculated if the Customer outside the state buys the same item.

I have already defined the setups in Sales Tax setups for calculating taxes within and outside customers. It is working perfectly using the Structures. This method updates only the Sales Tax table.

IS their any possibility of updating VAT table for the transactions within the state and Sales tax table for the transactions outside the state.


  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Which Version are you using. The standard VAT tables are for Global VAT functionality and does not conform to Indian VAT. Sales tax is the standard option designed by Microsoft India to handle both VAT & Sales Tax.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • DDLDDL Member Posts: 41
    Thank you for clearing my doubt
  • DDLDDL Member Posts: 41
    Dear Friend

    When i am using Sales Tax functionality only, why does the system throws an error that "VAT Posting Setup does not exist" when i make a purchase or Sales Order for an item which does not have VAT product posting group.

    If i give a VAT Product posting group for that particular item the system will allow me to continue my process though the customer or Vendor is not assigned to any VAT posting Group.

    Please clear my doubt

    Thanking You!
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    There are certain validations in the W1 version of Navision which has not be rightly blocked by Microsoft India. Therefore Navision looks for VAT Bussiness and Product posting group.
    I normally define a Vat bussiness and product posting group as "NO VAT" and define it on all the customer/vendor/item master. Further a blank line with bussiness and product posting group in VAT setup is created.
    CA Sandeep Singla
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