Want Payroll Schedule fields 2:2 decimals, fields are text

MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
I am trying to get all the number on the Payroll Schedule report to have 2 decimal places. That sounded easy, just change the decimal property to 2:2. The problem is that the fields are all "ColumnValuesAsText". They are converted to text in the codeunit "Pay Control Sched. Management"

I've been reading through the codeunit and can't find a way to make the change.

Any ideas?


  • MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
    IF NormalFormatString = '' THEN BEGIN
    NormalFormatString := '<Precision,' + GLSetup."Amount Decimal Places" + '><Standard Format,0>';
    WITH PayControlSchedColumn2 DO
    IF Value <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    CASE "Rounding Factor" OF
    "Rounding Factor"::None :
    ValueAsText := FORMAT(Value,0,NormalFormatString);
    "Rounding Factor"::"1" :
    ValueAsText := FORMAT(ROUND(Value,1));
    "Rounding Factor"::"1000" :
    ValueAsText := FORMAT(ROUND(Value/1000,0.1),0,'<Precision,1><Standard Format,0>');
    "Rounding Factor"::"1000000" :
    ValueAsText := FORMAT(ROUND(Value/1000000,0.1),0,'<Precision,1><Standard Format,0>');

    The GLSetup."Amount Decimal Places" is 2:2 so doen't the above code also say that the text will be 2:2?
  • MindieMindie Member Posts: 124
    Yes the rounding factor is none
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