Decimal format to text(398.70 or 398.00)

sendohsendoh Member Posts: 207
hi guys,

please give me some hints to do this.

i have Text variable (vArrText[ctr,1])

vArrText[ctr,1] := "Amount";

it should be represent to report like a 398.00 not 398 or 398.70 not 398.7

I have to convert like this because i use integer dataitem and when i use a decimal variable if the value
is zero it shows 0.00 which should be null(' ') please help..

be smart before being a clever.


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    edited 2008-01-18
    Just use a decimal variable, and set its decimals property on your report to 2:2, this forces it to always use 2 decimal places. Then find the BlankZero property and set that to Yes, which makes it so that it leaves the textbox blank if the value is zero.
  • sendohsendoh Member Posts: 207
    thanks denster
    be smart before being a clever.
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