how do you know when an order is complete?

mr._incrediblemr._incredible Member Posts: 33
customer places an order:

i get the order date on the sales header

that customer orders 10 items, 8 ship within 72 hours, the other 2 ship 3 weeks later.

that gives me the shipment date.

items are invoiced as they are shipped,

that gives me an invoice date

but how do I know when the order is complete?

I am trying to determine how long it takes to fill an order completely from the day the customer places the order to the date the final item ships and is invoiced.

maybe it's a dumb question, but no where can I see how to tell an order is completed...

my CFO is asking for a report that tells him if we are meeting our "all items shipped within 72 hours of order" guarranty..

at this point I can not determine if we are... even if the Quantity Shipped shows 0 I still show a shipping date which appears to be the first date any item on the Sales Line shipped...

and as the Sales Line Changes I get a different Version # in the Sale Header/Line Archive.

so one order can have 25 versions, with 25 different items and 25 different ship dates...

how do I find the date that the order is 100% complete?


  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    Find all Posted Shipments for that Sales Order (using field "Order No." in table "Posted Sales Shipment"), sort them on "Posting Date" (or field "No." because a later shipment will have a higher "No."), and remember the "Posting Date" from the last one.

    When "Qty. Shipped" = "Qty. Invoiced" = Quantity on all Sales Lines of that order, then the founded Posting Date is your latest Shipment Date.
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  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    That depends on now you are using the system. IF you invoice the same time you ship the order should dissapear when you have compelted it.

    If you invoice against the shippment lines it will remain until deleted..

    Then there are several fields to judge by on the sales header

    Completly Shipped =Yes
    Remaining amount = 0

    On the sales line you would base it on any one of these fields
    Field Value
    Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced 0
    Shipped Not Invoiced 0
    Quantity Shipped 0
    Quantity Invoiced 0
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Here's the logic of what you need to do:

    1. Get all the shipments for a particular range of order dates
    2. Find the last Posted Sales Shipment for a particular order and get the posting date
    3. Check to see if the Sales Order is still open (if it's still in the sales header table)

    If the 3rd criteria is true, then the order is not complete.
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