Foreign currency conversion

webweb Member Posts: 102
Can anyone look at this report and see he can help me make the foreign currency conversion code to use the end date date filter to compare with the date on the foreign exchange table and use that corresponding rate in the exchange rate table to convert the foreign currency to local currency. Right now its using the last transaction date(Posting date) on the Cust. Leger Entry table to compare with the date on the foreign exchange table to do the conversion.

I want when i filter say 01/01/06......30/09/06, the report should use 30/09/06 to compare it with a date on the foreign exchange table and use that date corresponding exchange rate to do the conversion.

Any ideas please.


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,110
    In the OnBeforeReport-trigger, you should get the max date-value in the filter with this statement:
    datTheLastDate := "Customer Ledger Entry".GETRANGEMAX("Posting Date");

    This date you can use to do your conversions, instead of the date of the last posting date:
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • webweb Member Posts: 102
    Thanks Kriki. This has worked. \:D/
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