Title: Microsoft Dynamics Support Advanced Workshop Series: NAV SQL Performance
When: February 12-14, 2008
Who: Microsoft Dynamic Partners
Trainer: Michael DeVoe
Level: 200 – 300 – Administrators
Summary: This workshop will cover performance analysis, troubleshooting, and tuning for Microsoft Dynamics – NAV SQL Server Option (Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
You know it's ok to use your real name now
MVP - Business Apps
And after my stocks have dropped so much....
http://www.sqlperform.com/html/workshop ... ments.aspx
It is only half the price and given by someone with years and years of real life experience instead of the Microsoft theory books. (No offense)
And since it is two days you'll lose less billable hours too.
As the description of this forum tells you, only sponsors (Bronze, Silver, Gold) can post here. Who will be the first to post here ...
If Microsoft becomes a sponsor, they can promote their sessions that way ;-)