Here is another SQL Reporting services issue that I am experiencing.
Your imput is appreciated.
I get the following error on the report that I am working on, as soon as I added a new item to my dataset.
The error is: An internal error occured on the report server. See the error log for detail.
I added a new item to the dataset with the following expression:
=iif(Fields!Posting_Date.Value>=Fields!monthstartdate.Value and Fields!Posting_Date.Value <= Fields!monthenddate.Value,COUNTdistinct(Fields!Document_No_.Value),0)
I noticed some posts on the Microsoft SQL reporting services web site in regars to the count issue that has to do with system resources. I followed all the instructions, but no luck.
Has anyone else experienced the same issue with the Count function and how were you able to resolve it ??