Custom paper size in STX, not using default printer

radianisradianis Member Posts: 49
edited 2004-02-23 in Navision DOS
I would like to have different paper size (half A4) for certain document. This mean for two pages (two document) printing on the A4 size, half for first document, half for the second one. I found that A5 size will print in landscape for A4 paper.

If I use default printer they will use it for another document. I only want to print with this paper size on specific document only.

Do you have any ideas ?

Thank's for your help.... :lol:


  • rthswrthsw Member Posts: 73
    But it depends on your printer. if the rpinter-setup is set to formffed after end of page, you will loose a half paper every page.

    why don't use a diferent printer? you can define as much as you want, and define this nwe printer only for using on this report, so where is the problem?
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