Posting Date - Date vs DateTime on SQL

CobaltSSCobaltSS Member Posts: 137
edited 2008-01-12 in SQL General

How popular would the request be to have MS change the Posting Date to a DateTime variable? Can I get a show of hands? On table 36 we've added a CreatedDateTime variable, and it's passd through to table 112 when posted. To calculate turn around time of the order from Create to Post, I currently need to estimate the posting time, and then I do a Duration calculation. I'm curious to know if other implementations are using this metric as a KPI for their orders, and then how it's being done.

My initial thought was to add a Posting DateTime variable, but when I looked at the SQL table, Posting Date already is a DateTime variable. So, why shouldn't it be DateTime in NAV?

I'm on a 4.0 client with a 3.70B database, if that makes a difference.



  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from Navision forum to SQL General forum]

    The reason is that SQL does NOT know the type DATE or TIME. For both is used datetime is SQL. In SQL 2008 a date- and a time-type will exist. (I don't know anything what Navision on SQL2008 will do, probably they don't even know it yet)
    The reason that Navision does not use the time-part is that it is not useful. The Posting Date has ALWAYS been a date in Navision, so why change it?

    The best you can do is add a new variable "Posting DateTime" and use that for your calculations.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    And there is nother "why not": DateTime type is TimeZone depending - it means in countries which are using DayLight saving time, the time part will change during year and it is not good, because if someone will post the document 5.12.2008 in 23:30, in few months it can look like it was posted in 6.12.2008 00:30 and this is wrong...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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