Inter company tranfers

ramyavenkatramyavenkat Member Posts: 94
edited 2004-02-10 in Navision Financials
Im currently faced with a prospect seeking multiple companies and inter company accounting.This prospect has a peculiar need. The prospect is an export house and has two business units (say A and B.Both export houses). At times, A procures materials and processes it. However,due to the law of the land, business unit A cannot export these items. However, Business Unit B can export these goods.In such a scenario, the prospect has to transfer these items/materials to Business Unit B so that export is made possible. Physical movement of goods is not done since that would involve taxes. At present, they are manually re entering the items in the inventory of business unit B and destroying the bills that show the procurement in business unit A.No record for the purchase or transfer of goods exists in Business Unit A.

Is it possible to effect the transfer of a purchase order / documents from one business unit to another?

Thanks and Regards,


  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    I suppose you could sell the goods in one company to the other company, so the sale of goods in one company would create the document for purchase in the other company, thus decreasing the inventory in one company and increasing the inventory in the other company.

    We do something similar for one of our customers for a similar reason, but there is no 'destroying the bills'...

    If you don't want to keep the records then do a negative inventory adjustment in one company and a positive adjustment in the other company...

    Check out the help on the CHANGECOMPANY function to see how to work in the code with multiple companies.

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