Lot Expiration Date

AlinaAlina Member Posts: 3
could you help me with a problem I have with expiration date and warranty date.

On my items I have "Order Tracking Policy" set to "Tracking & Action Msg." and "Reserve" set to "Optional"

I make a purchase order in which I specify for each line in Item Tracking Lines the Lot No with Expiration Date and Warranty Date.

When in a Sales Line I want to select the Lot No from the form "Item Tracking Summary", warranty date and expiration date are empty #-o .

It is very strange because if I change on the Item Card the "Order Tracking Policy" to "None" and redo the purchase and sale steps, I can see the dates.

I tried this on sp2 and sp3 and its the same problem.

Do you have a solution? I would like to keep the "Tracking & Action Msg." setting on the item.

Thank You!


  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    Pretty sure the original approch to this was the fields were used on purchase orders to record the expiry date and the warranty offered by the vendor. When you sell them you can offer different warranties and expiry dates, so they are blank. I cannot remember fully as it was a while ago I checked, but these details do not flow through by design.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • AlinaAlina Member Posts: 3
    Thank You Adam for your replay.
    In the end we set the "Order Tracking Policy" to "None".
    With this setting I can see the expiation date and the warranty date in sales orders.
  • wolftechwolftech Member Posts: 54
    Hi Experts,

    I have given the Warranty Date while purchase, but when I try to transfer the item through tranfer order, the warranty number is not shown.

    I have set the Order Tracking Policy as none.

    Bit confused..


    --He Who Ask question is a fool for 5 Minutes , he who does not ask remains fool forever--
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