Main/Component Asset Relationship

bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

I created a dataport to create (a lot of) fixed assets.

The source data had 'blocks' consisting of a main asset followed by it's components. The dataport correctly set the "Main Asset/Component" field to the correct type, and in each component asset the "Component of Main Asset" is set to the correct main asset.

Now that I have the historical acquisition costs and depreciation amounts posted I see that I've missed some steps.

The component assets are fine - the book values are correct, and depreciation calculates as it should. The problem is the main assets - the statistics window shows all zeros.

In Cronus, if I go to a main asset card and remove or add a component in the "Main Asset Components" list, the statistics change according to the value of the component. So I thought all I needed to do was populate this list in the main assets I dataported in. But that doesn't seem to have any effect in my database - all the statistics stay zero even after adding the components to the list.

Does anyone have any ideas about what else I've missed?

I'll continue to poke at this and will post whatever I learn, but hints would be greatly appreciated.

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