
MSMQ Problem

waynewilwaynewil Member Posts: 41
edited 2004-02-09 in Navision Financials

I'm trying to use the message queue to call Navision codeunits from outside Navision.

I've been successful with this using Named Pipes, and I am quite comfortable with the code I'm using (i.e. single instance codeunit with standard MSMQ code as posted in communication component development guide, etc.), but my MessageReceived event simply isn't firing. I am generating messages out of VS.Net 2003, and I have confirmed that these messages are going to the appropriate queue. Navision just isn't being notified of their arrival.

One note is that I am not using the Navision communication components inside VS.Net - I'm using VS.Net MessageQueue components instead because I figured, as long as the message gets to the queue, what does it matter?

Any ideas?



  • Options
    SnoddansSnoddans Member Posts: 5

    I had a similiar problem a few months ago and solved it by assigning a special formatter.

    use ActiveXFormatter for the xml document you are sending to the queue, then the CC will understand it.
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