Considering the following Scenario.
I have Navision 3.6 running on SQL 2000.
Looking at The Item ledger Entry Table (32) I find a Key with the following fields:
Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code,Bin Code,Posting Date
The Resulting SIFT Buckets are as follows:
1. Item No.
2. Item No.,Variant Code
3. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment
4. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code
5. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code,Bin Code
6. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code,Bin Code,Posting
7. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code,Bin Code,Posting
8. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code,Bin Code,Posting
9. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code,Bin Code,Posting
Date:Day,Entry No.
Looking at the Structures, It seems that Buckets 1 to 5 are "included" in Buckets 6 to 9.
What effect will dropping/Disabling Buckets 1 to 5 have on the System Performance ?
Sunday, Godwin G
Since you will disable this bucket Navision will read a higher level. This could be with posting date included. If you have been working with Nav for 8 years and the item has a lot of enties on a lot of posting dates, this can result in maybe 200 reads per year x 8 = 1600 reads.
This decision has to be made per customer weather it is good or bad.
Good luck.
Does it therefore mean that the Write Operations will become faster than Before disabling the Buckets 1 to 5 while the read operations will become Slowers?
Which of these two operations could be freezing the screens in Navision?
Slow Reads or Slow Writes?
Disabling will give less write overhead thus better performance durung posting, unless offcourse the posting routine reads the SIFT. :?
Good luck.
1. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code,Bin Code,Posting Date
2. Item No.,Variant Code,Source Type,Source No.,Posting Date
From Key 1, The following SIFT Buckets Are created:
1. Item No.
2. Item No.,Variant Code
3. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment
4. Item No.,Variant Code,Drop Shipment,Location Code
From Key 2, The following SIFT Buckets Are created:
1. Item No.
2. Item No.,Variant Code
3. Item No.,Variant Code,Source Type
4. Item No.,Variant Code,Source Type,Source No.
from these 2 sets of SIFT Buckets we see that Bucket 1 is same for Key 1 and Key 2. Same goes for Bucket 2 in Key 1 and Key 2.
What will be the effect of Disabling Buckets 1 and 2 in KEY 2 given the fact that the same set of SIFT Buckets exists on the Previous Key(1) and also given the fact that These 2 sets of Buckets contains the same number of SIFT Records essentially?
Navision is smart enough to figure out another one to use.
Always disable the last one though since navision will search top-bottom.
If Navision figures things out in this way, then It is Good News when talking about Performance Boosting by reducing SIFT Buckets.
However one might be tempted to ask Microsoft to further enhance the Design of Navision (Dynamics NAV) in such a way that it should automatically Detect Existing SIFT buckets such that it will disable those already existing when Creating Buckets for SIFT keys.
What do you think?
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Thanks guys.
Maybe. Since indexed views are updated with base table updates, they could potentially have some of the same performance issues as SIFT
Multiple users updating data that goes into the same indexed view could still be a problem. But taking account that less time is spent on writing, this also should be less of a problem than before.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Also creating too many SIFT levels will have the sameperformance impact
So I do not see why it would be a view per SIFT-level. I think that this SIFT-implementation will be fast enough for most implementations.
BTW : I also created a view on "Item No.,location code" and used that in case I had no date range, and it was again fast. So if an extra level is needed, just create a new index just BEFORE the original index without the last fields and you have your SIFT-level. This last would fall under SQL-tuning.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
would Navision use a different index by default? or will you have to change the code to setcurrentkey on the new key?
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
C/SIDE is deciding which indexed view to use based upon the sum fields required and the filter; it is not dependent on SETCURRENTKEY, so no code change is necessary.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Oh well atleast they are trying something. :-)
Wow Mark, I think that's something very important. Thanks for that.
Reason: I think the subjective feeling about performance is often more important than objective speed. So basically then I think it means slow writes (too many buckets, too many indexes) mean the progress bar on say posting a journal is slow - that's often not a big problem because the user knows something is going on, it's working, everything is in order.
Though it can lead to blocks and I think blocks cause a freeze too, but I think a deadlock timeout of 10 seconds tells quite clearly whether that freeze is a block or not?
White Screens of Death are what really, really annoy users as they have no clue about what's going on and how long it will take. Subjectively it looks like a software error, not like just some heavy lifting.
So for sorting out White Screens of Death can we generally skip figuring out unused indexes, skip removing SIFT buckets etc. and concentrate on first putting on indexes that match the filters and have a good selectivity first, and it will usually help, then, if it's needed, general optimization (stats, reindex, degfrag,clean up 0 sift records), then, if it's needed, looking at the FIND('-') versus FINDSET(FALSE,FALSE) in the code?
A "frozen screen" generally occurs if NAV is waiting for response: NAV sends a query to SQL Server (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc.) and waits until a reply from the server has been received - meanwhile NAV "hangs", showing just a "white screen".
The reasons for those response-delays can be different: long/many Reads, Blocks (could be related to a Read problem), I/O problems, Network problems, etc.. Here also the client PC could be the "troublemaker": e.g. if there's not enough RAM to process the resultsets, lacking CPU power, etc.!
If the LOCKTIMEOUT is set, and a process gets blocked, then SQL Server cancelles a transaction after the defined period.
If a Deadlock occurs, SQL Server recognizes this within 3 to 5 seconds and "kills the victim" - this happend independently from any LOCKTIMEOUT settings.
With SQL Profiler you could investigate what the "screen-freeze" caused:
High Reads (> 1000) AND long Duration (> 1000msec) AND long CPU time (> 1000msec) = Read/Index/Filter Problem Normal Reads (< 100) AND long Duration (> 1000msec) AND short CPU time (< 50msec) = Block Normal Reads AND normal Duration AND normal CPU time = Client site or network problem (check with Windows Performance Monitor)
NAV/SQL Performance Optimization & Troubleshooting
STRYK System Improvement
The Blog - The Book - The Tool
Additionally you should just monitor for a limited period, say a couple of hours.
Hence, if you're "Hunting" bad queries you could filter in "Reads > 1000" AND "Duration > 100", looking for blocks with "Duration > 1000" and "CPU < 1000" (no filter on "Reads").
To force a "screen freeze" you could create some "bad code", depending on what you want to do ...
If you want to test "Blocks & Deadlocks" please look at my BLOG here:
http://dynamicsuser.net/blogs/stryk/archive/2008/05/12/blocks-amp-deadlocks-in-nav-with-sql-server.aspx; the related download http://www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=958 includes two Codeunits to force Blocks or Deadlocks.
(Please be aware that the block/deadlock-detection TSQL scripts from my BLOG have been improved, the download still includes the "older" versions)[/code]
NAV/SQL Performance Optimization & Troubleshooting
STRYK System Improvement
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