How to update a new field in table (ID : 336 & 337)

DurandDurand Member Posts: 61

I’ve added a new field in the table (ID : 336 « Tracking Specification » & ID : 337 « Reservation Entry »). I want to update these fields via the form ID : 6510 « Item Tracking Lines ». But Those 2 tables (336 & 337) seems to be updated via a temporary table. I’m not able to find how to update those two table. Who can help me.




  • maheshmahesh Member Posts: 115
    edited 2007-12-19
    I also faced d same thing some times ago & solved dat after HUGE efforts.
    this is very tricky & complex, i ever found in Navision.

    Very first thing, Navision never stores records in Tracking Specification table.

    -->Records gets stored in Reservation Table only. When Form6510 (Item Tracking Spec) runs, it fetches records from Reservation Table & stores in tracking specification for temporary basis only.

    -->After posting of relevant document(Order,journal,etc..), You may want to have those fields in Item Ledger Entry OR Warehouse Entry also.

    --> Add field in Item Ledger Entry Table also.

    -->Add ur new added fields in "EntriesAreIdentical" function (at form 6510) for changed records to save records each time u change ur field value.

    --> In CodeUnit-99000830 "Create Reserv. Entry", add new field as parameter in CreateReservEntryFor & in CreateReservEntryFrom function.

    --> Call them in RegisterChange function (at form 6510)

    --> Add new field in SumUpItemTracking function of Codeunit6500, Item Tracking Management

    --> Add code in ModifyItemTrackingOnTempRec function at Codeunit 99000831 "Reservation Engine Mgt."

    --> Add code in ModifyFieldsWithinFilter function at form6510, Item Tracking Mgmt.

    -->In "Write to Database" function (at form 6510), check for ur field also with other field of reservation.

    --> Add Code in CollectPostedOutputEntries function(at form 6510)

    --> Add Code in SetItemLedgEntry function (at CodeUnit 99000845 Reservation Management) for to get those fields in Item Ledger Entry also.

    Best way to solve this, go on debug the code using Code Coverage & Breakpoints on triggers. Definietly u will get d solution very soon.
    This will help u a LOT

    Best of luck.
    Best Regards,
    Mahesh Jain
  • AlishaAlisha Member Posts: 217
    I think the codeunit that modifies those tables is 99000845 Reservation Management.
  • DurandDurand Member Posts: 61
    Hello Mahesh & Alisha,

    How long did it take you to solve this problem?


  • DurandDurand Member Posts: 61
    Hello Mahesh & Alisha,

    Thank for your information it help me to solve my problem.


  • maheshmahesh Member Posts: 115
    Hi Durand,

    Wat u want to say exactly in ur latest second post?

    Best Regards,
    Mahesh Jain
  • DurandDurand Member Posts: 61
    HI Mahesh,

    I just want to know how long does it take to do that, because my boss wants to know if it's better for our business to do it ourselves or to make it done by someone else.
    Anyway, thanks for your help and spend a nice Christmas time!!

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256

    Here is a how to example, I read on this blog.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • maheshmahesh Member Posts: 115
    Hi Durand,

    I think it will not take more than 2-3 days.

    Once the coding structure is clear. Its easy.

    gReat wiShes for chRisTmas
    Best Regards,
    Mahesh Jain
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