How to display a message inside codeunit of ADCS

aymane07aymane07 Member Posts: 27
hello all,

I have a problem in ADCS and I want to debug is and display a message in the code unit of pick for exemple

Code unit: 7708 Miniform Pick Activity List

When I write some code: "message('bla bla')" nothing shows up!!

any ideas pliz ????????


  • SmikisSmikis Member Posts: 7
    Hi there,

    I have similar problem.
    From form i call function in a table, where is some code like Message('bla bla');
    This message dont show up untill i close the form and open again.
    I think where is mising some code in that function.

    Maybe following choice is better?
    Make function that return to form the message content and a boolean variable, which tell the form call message or not.

    Could someone give me useable clue?
  • PerPer Member Posts: 46
    When running code with ADCS is it done through a NAS (Navision Application Server). All messages will be added to the Application Event Log on the computer running the NAS.
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